"I can't ride a skateboard'

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I've heard it all before! To be honest I'm a strong believer in our thoughts creating our reality, so if you are always telling yourself you can't do something - then you probably never will. Change your thoughts, it can change your reality and it's amazing what you can achieve if you want to!

On that note, I absolutely love seeing people achieve what they thought was impossible for them. I have adults getting off the boards with the biggest grins on their faces saying "This is my new profile photo, no one will ever believe I just did this, it was awesome!" 

I thought I'd compile a list of before and after comments, here's a couple that I remember, I'll add to this as I get more....

From adults.....

"I cant ride a skateboard" turned to "Oh my god, that was way easier than I thought!"

"I have no balance, I'm sure I'll fall off" turned to "Wow, these boards are super stable, I'm going to bring my kids next time"

"My friends will never believe I'm doing this, do you have safety gear" turned to "I'm going to post this all over facebook!"

From kids.....

"I can't ride a skateboard" turned to "I'm going to ask Santa for a skateboard!"

"I don't want to do this" turned to "Do you do birthday parties"

I'm sure there have been many more, I will start to write down the good ones to share with you all!