Humans come in all different shapes, sizes and quirks. The child in the following picture has a superpower, and it is autism . He may have been too scared to go alone, but the smiles shon through as we sped around the room together. What a legend ..... and for the record, he even stood up on the board and had fun doing it!
Why stand when you can sit!
I’ve spent many years working with children who have different abilities; physically and mentally. Society loves to pigeon hole people and I love to see people break stereotypes!
Yesterday I had a gorgeous brave soul with Cerebral Palsy. Today I had kids from all over the spectrum. Some, I got told wouldn’t last half an hour - after an hour they were still focussed and having fun! Others cried and worked their way through their frustrations but I can honestly say that no one gave up!
Sure, we all handle things differently and some things are harder for some than others, but things can be modified and simplified for those who want or need this - and everyone can have a great day :)
How fortunate am I, to be able to work with little legends daily!