Conquering limiting beliefs....

I hear it all the time "Oh that looks fun, but I couldn't do it", "I'd fall off and hurt myself" or the classic, "I'm too old".

As a school teacher my passion has always been health and wellbeing or social and emotional learning. Maybe it's because I wasn't very resilient as a child!

I see something everyday that breaks my heart. Children with limiting beliefs. They're so young, yet have already decided to believe that they're not strong enough or good enough to achieve (sometimes even the smallest thing).  

Here at Street SUP Adelaide it's no different. Just this morning, before the kids even got on the boards, I had some telling me they couldn't do this or the board was too big or their stick was too short.... I hadn't even opened my mouth about the session or told them what it was all about.

Giving up on something before they've even tried. Our minds get the better of us and we manage to convince ourselves we can't do things BEFORE WE EVEN ATTEMPT THEM!  It's insane!

Lets be honest, it's not only children who do it - but even us big kids were little kids once and this belief started somewhere!

Needless to say, all the Yankalilla YOSHC kids   absolutely nailed it today, they ALL ACHIEVED! Some of the older kids were turning so well they were doing laps and almost figure 8s around the court!

But being a #oshc I can't show you their faces..... So you just get to see me 🙏

"What is it that you really want to do but think you can't?" Give it a go, you might just surprise yourself!

